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Exploring How High Cholesterol Affects Your Menstrual Cycle

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance which is found in every cell of the body. It is essential for maintaining the integrity and fluidity of cells, and membranes, producing certain hormones, making vitamin D, and generating the substances that help digest food. Cholesterol travels through the bloodstream in lipoproteins. Having high cholesterol in the body may lead to common issues like heart disease, and clogged arteries. The impact of high cholesterol can affect other aspects of health such as reproductive issues in women. Most people do not know about the connection of cholesterol with reproductive health, especially periods.

Good Cholesterol vs Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol is categorised into two types stated as bad cholesterol and good cholesterol. The bad cholesterol is known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) . High levels of LDL cholesterol levels can increase the sticky deposits in the arteries, which leads to a health condition known as atherosclerosis. This health condition can cause the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. The good cholesterol is known as high- Density Lipoprotein (HDL). They help to remove the LDL cholesterol from arteries and transport it back to the liver and it is then processed and eliminated from the body. The high-density lipoprotein lowers the risk of heart disease.

All About Irregular Periods

Menstruation cycles play an important role in women’s health, they help to take out the tissue and blood through the vagina. Irregular periods occur due to certain health issues like hormonal imbalance, health conditions, stress, anxiety, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Fibroids, and more health conditions. In irregular periods you might face heavy bleeding, periods twice a month, or no periods at all. There is another factor which is not discussed much but may lead to irregular periods known as cholesterol.

What Is The Link Between Periods And Cholesterol

Cholesterol plays an important role in our body, including its influence on hormonal health. The hormones are the chemical messengers that help in certain body functions, and many of these hormones get affected due to bad cholesterol. Here are some factors that are affected by cholesterol levels:-

  • Hormonal Imbalance:- The spike in bad cholesterol affects the hormonal health in women, It imbalances the hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol. When the low-density Lipoprotein cholesterol levels are increased in a female body it overproduces the estrogen, due to the estrogen dominance, you may face irregular periods, severe Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and also increased risk of conditions like endometriosis and breast cancer. These bad cholesterol levels may reduce the production of good hormones, causing certain deficiencies that may lead to fatigue, mood swings, and delayed periods.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

An increase in bad cholesterol is directly linked to insulin resistance, which further pushes hormonal imbalance in your body. Due to hormonal disturbance in your body, you may face cysts in your ovaries known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome conditions, which leads to periods delay, or low flow in periods.

  • OBESITY:- Cholesterol does not directly cause obesity, but high levels of bad cholesterol are often linked to the behaviours and conditions that contribute to obesity. Food that contains trans fat or saturated fat can increase LDL levels, and it leads to weight gain if consumed regularly. The high cholesterol level may lead to bad metabolism, you may not be able to digest your food properly, may feel tired and often have mood swings.

Manage Cholesterol And Regulate Periods

Cholesterol arises due to dietary, lifestyle, genetic, and health factors. This is a sticky substance that gets accumulated in your arteries and leads to issues like heart attack, stroke, bad period health in women and more, here are some factors that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Diet & Nutrition

    switching to a heart-healthy diet with a maximum portion of fruits, vegetables and proteins can help you manage your cholesterol level. You should avoid taking tetra-pack products, they may lead to the accumulation of fat and toxins in your body. Eat fresh food daily, and go for something other than packed meals.
  2. Exercise
    Regular physical activity helps to improve cholesterol levels and can also help in weight management, which is beneficial for period health in women. Exercise can increase HDL levels which help push the cholesterol stuck in arteries to the liver, which further excretes it out from the body. Here are some other benefits of exercise:

    • Exercise reduces Triglycerides, thus helping to reduce the heart attack risks
    • Exercise helps to reduce the lipid profile.
    • Exercise improves insulin sensitivity, which in turn helps to manage blood sugar levels.
    • Inflammation and bloating issues are also reduced with regular exercise.
  3. Vitamins

    They play an important role in reducing cholesterol levels and improving menstrual health. For cholesterol reduction, the best solution is Vitamin B3, and Vitamin D which helps improve your body’s HDL levels and removes the plaque-like substance from the arteries. Other Vitamins like Vitamin E and B6 help to reduce the PMS symptoms, reduce the menstrual pain and regulate the menstrual flow.
    Magnesium is also an important mineral that supports both cholesterol and menstrual health by reducing inflammation and improving cardiovascular health and reproductive organ health. Incorporating vitamins into your diet can help you regulate your periods and reduce cholesterol levels.

Final Thoughts

Never take your health so lightly, always invest in a healthy lifestyle. Taking oily and fatty food increases cholesterol levels which is linked to irregular periods. The bad cholesterol levels imbalance the hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol and lead to delays in periods. The best way to improve your reproductive health is to improve your lifestyle with these changes such as a protein-rich diet, adding greens to meals, and adding exercise in your daily routine.

In our guide, we have added details about the issues associated with cholesterol, how it is linked with the menstrual cycle, how you can improve your reproductive system, and how to regulate your periods. The menstrual cycle is a blessing to all women, with the initiation of periods the women get the gift of giving birth to new ones. Stay healthy and have a healthy Period Cycle!!